Thursday, September 20, 2012

For all of my "HOW are you affording this" question askers!

I keep getting the same question from people about my trip "HOW can you afford to do this??" or "You're really lucky your parents are paying for you to do this!" Well, ladies and is my blog to tell you that YOU can afford this too and my parents have not given me a penny towards my expenses. BAM!

So, how in the world am I affording this and how in the world can you afford it too? Here are a few of my secrets and tips. Though they aren't really so secret....anyone can do them, (and should!).

-I don't buy things I can't afford. That simple. I have two forms of payment for things: Cash or debit card. I don't charge things to a credit card, actually I never even owned one. Trust me-I am a shopaholic and I know how tempting it is to think "Oh, I can pay this off next month, no worries." But, I also know how nice is feels to NOT owe anyone money. I control MY money and it is just not worth it to me. So, buy only what you have the money in the bank for. Tip #1 :)

-Like not owning credit cards, I also don't take out loans on anything except huge purchases such as my car. I bought a new car when I started teaching it and I made a sacrifice: I could get 0% interest if I paid it off quickly and I made the COMMITMENT that I was going to raise my monthly payments and get it over with right away. So, I had huge monthly car payments, but in a little less than three years, it was done. No more! That simple. Sure, it sucked sometimes knowing that I could really use extra cash each month, but in the end it was worth it. Now I have a 3 year old car that is like new, with no bills attached. I own it. So next tip, if you must take out a loan-suck it up and PAY IT OFF! Trust me, no payments left is much better than that new purse you wanted that is already ruined, or eating out every night that did nothing but put extra pounds on your tummy :) And by the way, buy a car that you can AFFORD you showy Dallas folks. It's just not worth a 7 year car note that puts you behind on bills each month just so you can look cool driving to the bank, (perhaps for another loan).

-Probably my biggest tip is make a budget!! I was always, and still am on this trip, writing out budgets for myself to manage my money. When I was teaching, I got paid once a month-on the 15th. So, each month I would take my income and actually write everything out. This much out for my car, this much out for rent, utilities, groceries, entertainment, etc.  I do this on my trip too! Budgeting shows you that you have to pick and choose things at times, but if you look and plan your budget often, you will learn that you really can squeeze in more than you thought possible! It is so much more effective than spending an excessive amount one week and being shocked that you have no money the next. And really, it takes minutes out of your day. That's it. SO. WORTH. BUDGETING.

***And, keep in mind...I was a income was this is doable!! ;) ***

-In connection to budgeting, SAVE YOUR MONEY! Included in my monthly budget was an amount to transfer into savings. In fact, I set it up in my bank to have a certain amount pulled out monthly and transfered to savings. It's like I never even saw it in my checking account, and quickly you realize that you CAN survive month to month without it. Even if you start small, say $50 a month, it adds up and earns interest. Savings is a great cushion for an emergency or for something you really a 4 month trip traveling the world! :D People always say "I can't save money; I have no money left at the end of each month to save." Blah blah blah people. Just think-if you packed sandwiches for your work week instead of going to McDonalds everyday, you could have easily saved $30 for the that one WEEK of lunches out. See? It's not as hard as people think, it just takes a minute to sit and look at it.

-Okay, enough of my rants yet? No? Still reading? Then, how about another :) When I decided I was going to quit my job and save up for this trip, I did a number of things to prepare.....and it didn't mean eating Ramen Noodles and sitting home every day. I budgeting, I sacrificied, I got another job. I got rid of things I didn't NEED, such as cable and internet at my home. Didn't mean I didn't watch TV or get online: I downloaded shows (with the help of friends!) and watched on my computer. I used the internet from my phone, annoying but worth the extra monthly money. I ate out less, and grocery shopped more. I moved in with my parents for a month, (the ultimate sacrifice!). I worked a second job. I did more with friends that didn't cost money, like playing volleyball, hanging out the pools, going to outside concerts, etc. You get the idea, right??? Debt free life feels so good :D

So...basically....there are my starting tips for how to make a dream you have come true. It is not easy, and it is definitely a different story for each person depending on their income and life circumstances. However, you CAN do things like I am doing. You CAN actually turn a dream you have into a reality. It just takes time. And let me tell you, when you do get there, there is no feeling better in the world than knowing that you did it. You did it for you and you made your own dream come true.

I don't regret a minute of my journey to get where I am. I realized I didn't miss things as much as I thought, like my cable tv and my dvr. I realized I actually COULD do this, (I doubted it, too!). I realized that no one controls my choices or my life but me. If I want something, I will go for it. The worst that can happen is I have to start over, right??

Instead of making excuses of why you can never do something you want, start planning for how to make it happen. And now you can stop thinking that I'm sooooo lucky my parents sent me on this trip. Because they didn't. I did. :)


  1. Shout out to my debt free sistah, J Roz!! I know you will like this Dave Ramsey-ish post :) Love you sister!!

  2. Kind of made me rethink things. This mighty have been an eye opening moment for me. Lets see if i can get on the right track with my new job. Thank you got the honest dose of reality!!! Super proud of you!
    _dani Hagadus-

  3. Thanks Danielle!! You are a smart woman; I know you can do it too! And congrats on the new job. Good wishes your way! xoxo
