Tuesday, July 31, 2012

T-Minus 31 hours...

....and packing is NOT going well! This is harder than I thought. I didn't realize how much "stuff" I truly think I need day to day! To my sister's surprise....I have ditched my Paul Mitchell, bluejeans, and even my hair dryer. EEEEEEEEE! Apparently "travel light" is truly not one of my specialties. My room looks like a tornado just blew through with "necessities" thrown all over. In and out of the suitcase, in and out of the suitcase...it should probably just stay out.

I have my train ticket on the way, should be here by 10am tomorrow. The day of my flight. I'm awesomely unorganized for 4 months away on my own! My shoes are in the mail still, (fingers crossed), and my Moosejaw order full of backpacking necessities, like real necessities, is chillin somewhere in Wisconsin right about now.

Must. Pack. Suitcase. And find someone to sit on it while I zip!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Get your party pants on Sweden, cause I'm a comin!

So...I did it! I actually bought my plane ticket! Heading out to Stockholm, Sweden on August 1st so I will get in the evening of the 2nd. I have a dear friend, Ola, who will be picking me up at the airport. I met Ola in 2003 during my freshman year of college at good ole SFA...aka....Naca-no-where, Texas! I can't even FIND my ridiculous album of photos from SFA, but I did manage to find a couple of random goodies.
Don't judge...not sure what I was thinking with the ridiculous hat. Nonetheless, there's Ola and me in the bottom right corner together at dinner with friends!
Laura, Tiffany, Mackinzie, Me, Ola...Best group of friends at SFA!

Ola and I have been friends for 9 years now. Love that guy to death! In college he was everything from my dance party partner (MMMMbop), to my cafeteria date (I think he used my meal card more than I did), to a guaranteed giggle fest (that's right, I said GIGGLE), to most importantly one of the best friends I made at Stephen F. I can't wait to see him again for even more, though probably not more mature, memories.

So someone asked me today if I was feeling scared or confident. The answer to that is that I am feeling both equally! It's kind of freaking me out to know I have two weeks until my income stops and I'm all alone hundreds of miles away from anything familiar to me. Everything I do is starting to make me feel like I should hold onto it...seeing friends & family, my puppy Moose, sleeping in my own BED!! Then again, I couldn't be more excited to see old friends and make new. To wander, to explore, to push myself into situations that will force me to grow more as a person in a few months than a year at home would provide.

Anyway, we shall see! Had lunch with El Hefe today, (the D-A-D), and my fortune cookie said "You will soon take a journey far away filled with good things". Well, the cookie knew 50% of that...let's hope it gets the other half right too so it can be....well...one smart cookie. Ba dum bum!


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sweet Home Kappa Gamma

If you don't know already, I am a very proud Kappa alum! (Hints the owl obsession, the blue & blue page, etc...)
Well, one of the things I am going to miss the MOST on my journey will definitely be my sweet, sweet sisters who have become the closest of friends to me. I will be missing baby showers, weddings, Happy Hours, and all of the fun we have in between. Thank God for Skype so I can at least pop in to some of these things!

Last Thursday, some of my favorite Kappas threw me a "See ya Later" bash. We took a trip down memory lane and hit up all of our favorite college hot spots! FAB idea for a girl's night out! We had the best sleepover...I'm a true believer that you're never too old for a sleepover with your best friends! We stuffed our faces full of greasy, horribly fattening food. We kept up with the glory days of Fry Street. I'd like to think that though we were probably the oldest ones on Fry Street that night, we were also the most fun and we definitely STILL GOT IT ;)

Here's part of the gang after eating at Sweetwater, one of our favorite spots to eat on the square!

I couldn't ask for better sisters.

What I am going to miss most about these girls is the fact that at any time in  my life, I can call them up and share any emotion in the world with them and they will be there. We have the BEST time together. There is never a dull moment. These are some of the most beautiful and strongest women I could imagine meeting. The thought that I can't just call them up or meet up with them makes me choke up a bit! I know I won't be gone forever, but the security of knowing that close-knit bond isn't just a drive away can be scary to think about!

However, something else that Kappa has given me is the gift of Kappa Connections. The ability to stay in touch with and meet women just as amazing as the ones I get to call my best friends. Through Kappa Connections I have already met women that are opening their home to me on my journey just because of the fact that we share the bond & loyalty that is Kappa. I couldn't feel more blessed.

I look forward to updating you on the new Kappas that I meet when I get to Europe. I can't wait to build new friendships on my journey! Knowing I will have that connection & friendly face thousands of miles away is so comforting! In the meantime, I can't thank my sweet Zeta Sigma Kappas enough for a wonderfully hilarious and out of control memory of our last night out...for awhile :) Update me on everything, Skype me into every big event that I'll be missing, and don't forget to video Wells pushin out that little DZ!



Friday, July 13, 2012

Go Fund Me!

Click on the link below to check out my Go Fund Me page and support my travels!

 Support my travels!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

And the list grows on...

22 days left to take off! I've started working on my list of things I need to get done before I head out. Here's what I've got so far. Any other suggestions? Any fellow backpackers with some "essentials" for the journey?

*TSA locks
*Water proof tennis shoes
*Flats for going out at night but still comfortable
*Small gifts for hosts I stay with along the way...(ANY SUGGESTIONS ON THIS?!?!)
*Eurorail Pass
*Travel size necessities & detergent

....is a backpack going to be big enough?? Oh my....starting to freak out! Breathe...breathe...breathe...


Friday, July 6, 2012


It's been awhile since I wrote a blog entry. I thought my website, www.thewiseyoungowl.com, would be way beyond ready by now. Well....Lesson #1 learned and I haven't even gotten started on the trip yet!

Lesson #1: Be flexible and don't focus on "expectations"

The website is still in the works, (This is what happens when your web designer is also your brother who puts you at the bottom the the totem pole. Eh-lucky me).

So, a few things that have happened since I left my job...

I met an AMAZING Kappa sister through Kappa Connections online. She went on this same type of journey at the same point in her life! We connected via email and this week I finally got to meet her! She is so fantastic and I felt so connected to her in our free spirit and adventerous independence. It is so great what my sorority has been able to bless me with, even years after college. She gave me tons of great tips, inspiring words, and even opened new doors for me on my journey. You will be hearing more of my new sweet friend, Beth, and ideas and fun I got from her!

I know Beth is the one to trust when it comes to narrowing down the hundreds of guidebooks I was finding online and in the book store. She highly recommended this gem:

I went to Barnes and Noble tonight and still got to use my beloved Teacher Discount...woo woo! Looks like this and a nice bottle of cheap red wine will keep me glued to the couch tonight.

Next up: The list of things I need for my trip that REFUSES to quit growing!
Feeling: Stressed yet insanely excited....

I can do this....I can do this....HOOT!