Monday, April 15, 2013

Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb

Definitely on my list of places I want to visit again is Sydney, Australia. Who DOESN'T want to visit the land down under???

I was chatting with a friend tonight about traveling and I remembered one of my most exciting journeys in Sydney: 1,332 steps to climb the bridge! It was so you climb up you come right by the Sydney highway traffic zooming past you....not to mention the absolutely stunning view of the city.
The Sydney Harbour Bridge-yup-I've been on the top of that!!

I had never even heard that you can do this, but good old Mama did some studying for us before we arrived in Sydney! This was a few years back, but looks like more current information is that prices vary depending on the season. For adults it looks like it will cost about $200-$300 per climber. Takes 3 1/2 hours and trust me-it is WORTH the time and the money!

I remember getting a little nervous as they put my climbing suit on and attached me to the bridge. But then I saw a picture of Mary Kate and Ashley Olson at the top of the bridge and I remember distinctly thinking..."Okay, if THOSE little things can do this then I've got it piece.of.cake." And as soon as I climbed onto the first step, it was a mix of adrenaline and pure excitement soaking up every second of the climb. Just an amazing adventure.

If you're ever in Sydney, this is a definite outting for the books. You will not be disappointed with this fact...just thinking about it makes me want to do it again!

If you are planning a trip to Australia, check out for more information about the bridge climb!
Working my way to the top!

And I made it!


Monday, April 1, 2013

Commitment Issues? And other random thoughts about why I quit my new job.

I think I’ve found myself in my upper twenties, (ouch that hurts to even type!), with a minor to crazy severe case of commitment-phobia. The thought of anything tying me down in any way is…well…literally starting to give me panic attacks.

I was one of those girls who was sure of it that I would be married by 20, kids by 22, happily ever after in fairy tale land. Little did I know I’d be single at 28, no kids, no idea what I want to be when I grow up. Hello God, thanks for the smack upside the head reminder that I am not the one in charge down here!

Now, I am the first to say that I’ve had amazing opportunities in all areas of life. That’s not bragging, that’s just a fact Jack! I’ve dated amazing men, I’ve had jobs that have blessed me beyond measure, and I’ve experienced things that I will never feel worthy of experiencing. I am living a WONDERFUL life. But, unfortunately, we only get one of those life cards here. (Cats totally take the cake on that deal!)

I’m having such an amazing journey. Why would I stop being a free spirit and join the rat race?? I don’t want a 9-5 where you live to work rather than work to simply live. I want to pack up my bags and get out of town. I want to get lost in random parts of the world. I want to read a lot. I want to write a lot. I want to meet new people in new cultures. I want to try their foods, walk in their shoes, meet their families. I want to live big and I just can’t seem satisfied to settle.

Sure, a house in the suburbs with a cute little husband and kids with big bows on their heads and tiny sneakers on their feet sounds great. I used to count down the days until that was my life. But once things didn’t pan out how I planned out….I started really living. No agenda. No game plan. Just take life day by day, whatever I feel, whatever sounds good.

On my last journey, I spent a lot of time with myself. Thinking. Journaling. Praying. QUESTIONING. And I always found myself thinking of loved ones I’ve lost or crazy tragedies that swooped down on my life and almost took those I love. And I always thought of things they wanted to do, things they could have accomplished, things they talked about only dreaming of. So to that I bid adieu to what society expects of my life. Who is to say that anyone’s schedule or agenda is more “right” than my own? So what. I quit my job. Again. Commitment issues? Maybe. Or maybe I’m just onto bigger and better dreams.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Back in Action with a Brand New Logo!

Well, since being back in Texas for almost 2 full months now I sure have fallen off the Blogger Planet! I am determined to get back into the swing of things and carry on with the travel tips, stories, suggestions, etc.

In other words.....I'm baaaaaaack!

First exciting Wise Young Owl news.....drum roll please....I got my own new logo created!!! Huge thanks to my buddy Chuck at STAK Design for taking the time to put together this awesome new logo. I can't wait to stamp it onto all things Wise Young Owl-ish from now on :)

Be on the lookout for new posts soon! HOOT!