Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany....can I really describe it in a blog??

I have done SO MUCH in the past week that I haven't had time or Internet access to blog about!! I am having an AMAZING time in Germany! First let's skip to the big event that I had been counting down the months, weeks, days, seconds for.....OKTOBERFEST IN MUNICH!! Woooooo!

Ashley & I decided to take the train from Wurzburg to Munich and stay the night at her friend Nadin's house. We got up early, got dressed up in our dirndls, packed up, true Ashley/Holly fashion....we missed our train. So we ended up having to take a slower train that we had to switch on. Took twice as long, but, we made it! Nadin got us at the train station and we ditched our bags and headed out for some schnitzel & potatoes before the big par-tay. YUM! I am in love with German food. But, the empty calories and loads of carbs I'm consuming here are not cute on my belly!

Just the walk from the tram into Oktoberfest got me even more excited for what was to come!! Hundreds, no, thousands of people were piling in or (somewhat) walking out. I loved seeing all of the lederhosen and dirndls, pretzels and brats, cookies and beers....what culture! So exciting!
Nadin, Ashley, & me...we made it! Did you know that the way you tie your apron shows your status? Tied on the right means you are married or have a boyfriend. The left means you are single. The back means you are a widow....or a waitress (odd match, right?!).

When we went inside, the tents were out of control! Thousands of people in each one and not a free seat to be seen. Everybody was drinking and eating and singing...just an amazing time everywhere you looked! We went on a table hunt. After about 4 tents we decided on a few seats we found right outside of a tent. We shared it with a group of guys from Denmark who ended up being a blast that night. The people were so fun and's amazing how a day of yummy food and drinks can bring strangers together :)
 I've officially tasted some of the best beer in the world! The beers are HUGE and the waiters & waitresses carry 6 or 7 at a time! The waitstaff weaves in and out of the crowd with tons of liters of beer and huge trays of food! They will just push you out of the way. It is really something to see! Nadin told me the tents are family owned-you can't get hired onto the waitstaff & there is so much money to be made that they keep it within the family. Apparently the tents usually bring in more than 10,000 euros in tips! WOW! I keep trying to find more info on that; I'm curious to see the actual numbers but I am sure it is astonishing.
 Met Ryan in Bahrain & got to meet up with him in Germany----how cool is that?!
Do what the locals do, right? Having a GREAT time!! 
The whole day/night was everything amazing that I hoped it would be and then some. It is so surreal to be in a place with such an deep rooted culture that people by the millions participate in. And not just participate, but go all out! I've never seen a party like this before! If you ever get the opportunity to go to Germany for Oktoberfest....DO IT! I definitely plan to come back one day. But, if you don't have a place to stay then you may want to consider booking your hotel a year in advance....this city is PACKED!
 I was SO excited that I got a famous heart shaped gingerbread cookie!
 View from the roller coaster. Everything you can imagine is at this giant party....bratwursts, warm nuts, pretzels, beer, candy, trays upon trays of food....oh I could go on and on!
Inside one of the HUGE tents. Thousands of people in each one. Unless you get there at 7am or have a're not gettin a seat!
I have millions of stories from Oktoberfest....I think I could go on and on about how much fun I had, how many really cool people I have met, and how simply incredible the food, drinks, and atmosphere are. But....I feel like I should save that for a rainy day to reminisce and relive the awesome that is the real Oktoberfest!
I have fallen in love with Germany for sure! I have met some really amazing friends along the way as well. I know Ashley and I will stay in touch-we hit it off right away. And how could we not...we got the Kappa thing, so of course she was going to be nothing short of fabulous :)
I'm currently staying with Anna, her husband Martin, and their adorable son Maximillian. Beth put me in touch with Anna and she and her family have been WONDERFUL to me!! I can see why Beth loves Anna so much. Today we went on a bus tour of Munich, had the best ice cream & berries before watching the Marienplatz and the chimes/Bavarian dancing figures, took a beautiful walk by the sea, and then....Anna and Martin gave me a YUMMY Bavarian dinner :) (They totally take care of me when it comes to trying traditional foods!)
For dinner we had white sausage with sweet mustard, pretzels, and of course a refreshing local beer. It is great fun for me to talk to Anna and Martin. They have made me feel so comfortable and welcome. Their son Max is 3 years old and pretty much adorable. I like to play with him and he reminds me of my nephew so it is extra nice to have him around :)
Okay, I am off for now. I am exhausted!! Tomorrow morning I am heading to Dachau Concentration Camp. Here's a quick preview from : "The concentration camp of Dachau, 10 miles northwest of Munich, was one of the first concentration camps in Nazi Germany and would serve as a model for all subsequent camps in the Third Reich. Dachau visitors follow the "path of the prisoner", walking the same way prisoners were forced to after their arrival in the camp. You will see the original prisoner baths, barracks, courtyards, and the crematorium, as well as an extensive exhibition and various memorials."
SO SO SO many more stories to come! Adios for now xoxo

Friday, September 21, 2012

"Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Scott Cameron

One of the most beautiful views in Wurzburg is from Festung Marienberg, also known as Marienburg Fortress. It sits at the top of a hill overlooking the town. Ashley and I went there and toured the museum, wandered the grounds, and gawked at the amazing views. You could spend a half a day there, just wandering. The garden would be a great place to take a book and just read on a pretty day!

Another great stop was the Market Square. We had a yummy lunch outside here and afterwards shopped in the market a bit. I bought some delicious hunny and a rhubarb juice which I still need to try! The square has beautiful views of buildings, and we had a fun accordion player as we ate lunch. Something about sitting outside and listening to someone play music just makes it feel like vacation. Below is Marien Chapel, (Marienkapelle), which is right in the market square area. See what I mean by amazing views??
Another stop I loved was Alter Kranen, a yummy beer garden right off the riverside. We went here for dinner and I had a beer mixed with lemonade and a delicious German roast with horseradish, cranberries, and potatoes. Was pretty delicious! My friend Kris drove out and came to dinner with us too!

And, of course I can't leave out one of the most fun-and stressful-stops....the dirndl store!! The store we went to has handmade dirndls that are high quality, unique, and traditional. We went to several stores in search of the perfect dirndl, but ended up back at this store. The shopping part was crazy!

First, I chose 2 to try on. The German lady that ran the shop brought me to a dressing room with a curtain that only half closed....hello shoppers! So, as I'm trying on the blouse and dress, she keeps opening the curtain to help me. She basically wanted to dress me. The first one I tried on was less than impressive and too big. So then the chaos began....

Before I knew it I had 4 German shop workers surrounding me in my little corner, handing me dirndls and blouses, dressing me, putting necklaces and purses on me, tightening my dress, blahblahblahblahblah....and all talking to me in German! WHAT! I swear I started sweating I got so stressed out. But, finally, they put me in one that I loved! It is a little  more expensive that I originally wanted, but it is beautifully detailed and traditional. It will make for a special keepsake....after it attends OKTOBERFEST IN MUNICH!!! I am so excited for that this coming week!
Today we are heading to the Residenz and tonight we are going to the brewery for a festival and drindl fashion show! Should be another great day in Wurzburg!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

For all of my "HOW are you affording this" question askers!

I keep getting the same question from people about my trip "HOW can you afford to do this??" or "You're really lucky your parents are paying for you to do this!" Well, ladies and is my blog to tell you that YOU can afford this too and my parents have not given me a penny towards my expenses. BAM!

So, how in the world am I affording this and how in the world can you afford it too? Here are a few of my secrets and tips. Though they aren't really so secret....anyone can do them, (and should!).

-I don't buy things I can't afford. That simple. I have two forms of payment for things: Cash or debit card. I don't charge things to a credit card, actually I never even owned one. Trust me-I am a shopaholic and I know how tempting it is to think "Oh, I can pay this off next month, no worries." But, I also know how nice is feels to NOT owe anyone money. I control MY money and it is just not worth it to me. So, buy only what you have the money in the bank for. Tip #1 :)

-Like not owning credit cards, I also don't take out loans on anything except huge purchases such as my car. I bought a new car when I started teaching it and I made a sacrifice: I could get 0% interest if I paid it off quickly and I made the COMMITMENT that I was going to raise my monthly payments and get it over with right away. So, I had huge monthly car payments, but in a little less than three years, it was done. No more! That simple. Sure, it sucked sometimes knowing that I could really use extra cash each month, but in the end it was worth it. Now I have a 3 year old car that is like new, with no bills attached. I own it. So next tip, if you must take out a loan-suck it up and PAY IT OFF! Trust me, no payments left is much better than that new purse you wanted that is already ruined, or eating out every night that did nothing but put extra pounds on your tummy :) And by the way, buy a car that you can AFFORD you showy Dallas folks. It's just not worth a 7 year car note that puts you behind on bills each month just so you can look cool driving to the bank, (perhaps for another loan).

-Probably my biggest tip is make a budget!! I was always, and still am on this trip, writing out budgets for myself to manage my money. When I was teaching, I got paid once a month-on the 15th. So, each month I would take my income and actually write everything out. This much out for my car, this much out for rent, utilities, groceries, entertainment, etc.  I do this on my trip too! Budgeting shows you that you have to pick and choose things at times, but if you look and plan your budget often, you will learn that you really can squeeze in more than you thought possible! It is so much more effective than spending an excessive amount one week and being shocked that you have no money the next. And really, it takes minutes out of your day. That's it. SO. WORTH. BUDGETING.

***And, keep in mind...I was a income was this is doable!! ;) ***

-In connection to budgeting, SAVE YOUR MONEY! Included in my monthly budget was an amount to transfer into savings. In fact, I set it up in my bank to have a certain amount pulled out monthly and transfered to savings. It's like I never even saw it in my checking account, and quickly you realize that you CAN survive month to month without it. Even if you start small, say $50 a month, it adds up and earns interest. Savings is a great cushion for an emergency or for something you really a 4 month trip traveling the world! :D People always say "I can't save money; I have no money left at the end of each month to save." Blah blah blah people. Just think-if you packed sandwiches for your work week instead of going to McDonalds everyday, you could have easily saved $30 for the that one WEEK of lunches out. See? It's not as hard as people think, it just takes a minute to sit and look at it.

-Okay, enough of my rants yet? No? Still reading? Then, how about another :) When I decided I was going to quit my job and save up for this trip, I did a number of things to prepare.....and it didn't mean eating Ramen Noodles and sitting home every day. I budgeting, I sacrificied, I got another job. I got rid of things I didn't NEED, such as cable and internet at my home. Didn't mean I didn't watch TV or get online: I downloaded shows (with the help of friends!) and watched on my computer. I used the internet from my phone, annoying but worth the extra monthly money. I ate out less, and grocery shopped more. I moved in with my parents for a month, (the ultimate sacrifice!). I worked a second job. I did more with friends that didn't cost money, like playing volleyball, hanging out the pools, going to outside concerts, etc. You get the idea, right??? Debt free life feels so good :D

So...basically....there are my starting tips for how to make a dream you have come true. It is not easy, and it is definitely a different story for each person depending on their income and life circumstances. However, you CAN do things like I am doing. You CAN actually turn a dream you have into a reality. It just takes time. And let me tell you, when you do get there, there is no feeling better in the world than knowing that you did it. You did it for you and you made your own dream come true.

I don't regret a minute of my journey to get where I am. I realized I didn't miss things as much as I thought, like my cable tv and my dvr. I realized I actually COULD do this, (I doubted it, too!). I realized that no one controls my choices or my life but me. If I want something, I will go for it. The worst that can happen is I have to start over, right??

Instead of making excuses of why you can never do something you want, start planning for how to make it happen. And now you can stop thinking that I'm sooooo lucky my parents sent me on this trip. Because they didn't. I did. :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."-Jimi Hendrix

The history of Germany is fascinating and I haven't even been to but one city here yet!

I was reading online last night and learned that the town I am currently in, Wurzburg, was almost completely destroyed at the end of WWII. Something like 82% of the city was destroyed by bombs from the British Royal Air Force. WOW.

It is crazy to read, but even crazier to be standing in the middle of a site like that and reading about it. When you think about it, that truly wasn't very long ago. It is kind of scary to me to think about, actually. With the world seeming to get crazier and more advanced with weapons and technology, the next World War, God hope there is never one, would potentially wipe out earth as we know it. Could you imagine the power struggles between countries with atomic weapons? It seems that the news gets crazier and more depressing each day. What is happening to people?? Very sad and scary to think about.

I read this quote from Albert Einstein, and it really got my brain spinning, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Hmph. Seems that he was not far from the truth, most likely.

Looking forward to exploring Germany and its history in my time here. There is so much to see and it feels surreal. I am looking forward to visiting a concentraion camp, but at the same time I am not looking forward to it. It is hard to believe things like that happened and I think it will completely creep me out to walk through. But, it is history, like it or not.

Anyway, there are my random thoughts of the morning.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wurzburg, Germany!

Wurzburg is amazing!! WOW!

I remember meeting with my friend Beth before I left Texas. She is a sweet Kappa sister that I met through the alum website as well. She took a similar journey when she was younger, so she was a great resource for tips, tricks, & motivation. She had told me that traveling alone is the most amazing and rewarding journey, but to know that sometimes I will get discouraged or lonely or sad. This rings so true!! Just 2 days ago on that crazy night train I was thinking "How will I survive so long on my own?" "This is scary!" "I'm lonelyyyyy!" I am....two days later....and IN LOVE with Germany already. I can't imagine missing out on somewhere like this just because I was scared of trying something new alone.

The scenery here is amazing! I am just stunned when I walk down the streets in the town here. Beautiful and you just can't find anything like it in the states!
I love me some German food so I was SO excited when Ashley & her husband took me to a yummy restaurant and brewery for lunch yesterday! I had schnitzel with fries and a yummy German beer. Amazing! Maybe it's starting to hit me that not having a car is a good thing. All of the walking will cancel out my food and drink while in Germany, right?? :) Below is me and Ashley, my Kappa sister that took me in! I am so enjoying getting to know her. It is amazing the trust you can have from one little bond. Very proud to be a Kappa!
Yesterday we went browsing for our dirndls. Going back this morning to buy one! I am SO excited for Oktoberfest! And I am buying an actual handmade dirndl....something special to keep, though I'm not sure when I will get to wear it again! Of course, that will have to be mailed home...not going to fit into the backpack for the next 2.5 months!
When walking on the bridge, Ashley and Chris showed me the locks people put on them. I can't believe I've never heard of this! Story of it is that when two people are in love, they put a lock on the bridge. They were telling me that there was a bridge in France that had so many locks it was pulling the bridge down with the extra weight! Pretty cute little tradition. Maybe I will get to put a lock on a bridge one day ;)
Today should be a fun day! After shopping and walking around town, an old friend from my school days is coming out to Wurzburg for dinner and hanging out! I've known Kris for ages and he is stationed about an hour away in the US Military. Should be great fun to see him!

Missing my Moose & my family, but loving loving loving Germany so far! Have a good day, friends!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dirk's Stomping Grounds!

Whew...made it to Germany! It took me just barely over 24 hours and 4 trains to get here. I had so much time to do nothing that I wrote, wrote, wrote in my journal! There are things I LOVED about traveling alone by train.........and things that I HATED!!

I have my backpack full...a whopping 24 pounds to get me through the next 2.5 months of my life! I left Stockholm on Saturday morning with nothing but my backpack and a bag of snacks with my journal and maps. CRAZY!!

At first I was in LOVE with the trains. Amazingly amazing views and the soft, swishing sound of the train zooming down the tracks was so peaceful and relaxing. I just stared out the window, thought lots of thoughts, wrote in my journal, and enjoyed my packed picnic. I was loving it!
 Loved the views!
Crossing the Copenhagen bridge
The night train was another story! Talk about creepy! First of all, it was NOT like the cute, fun, have your own space pictures on the websites. My cabin was packed FULL of 6 people...none of who spoke more than a bit of English. This cabin was the tiniest place I'd ever seen! 3 bunk beds come out of each wall with about 2.5 feet of height between them. In between was our pile of luggage. No ladder to climb up to your bunk even. If you laid in the middle of the floor with your arms spread wide, you would just be a few inches short of touching each wall. And I was on this thing from 5:30 at night to 6:30 in the morning!

Hard to see, but windows open all night and feels creepy at stops, but the sound is so relaxing!

Also, people get on and off during the night so I would wake up and someone new would be climbing into bed. Creepy! I had to leave my bag on the floor pile, and I slept wearing my purse. Actually, slept is a generous word. I dozed in and out. No light, no one to talk to, no wifi, NOTHING to do. And if you never thought trains in the middle of the night were creepy....let me tell you....they are!! This is nothing like I've ever done before! I usually pack way too many suitcases, I hate being alone, I'm scared of creepy people, I packed my food for 24 hours.....................and I survived :) 4 trains later, I got to Wurzburg, Germany. ON. MY. OWN. Man, those words feel good to write! And, I'd totally ride another creepy night train.
Finally in Frankfurt...1 more train to go!
I won't retype my journal, but let's just say at points I was terrified, excited, lonely, aggravated, overtired, relaxed, exhausted, insecure, frustrated, uneasy.....basically, it was a back and forth roller coaster. When my last train was over an hour late due to technical difficulties, I was overtired and frustrated and hopped on another one trying to ask my way around and getting answers in very broken, uncertain English. I can't tell you how happy I was when I heard the conductor announce the next stop was WURZBURG!! I got off and saw Ashley waiting right there, as expected. Such a feeling of relief that I not only DID IT, (I got there!), but also I had a friendly face waiting for me at the other side.

Ashley is amazingly sweet. I am so glad I met her through Kappa Connections. Tonight we went to watch her husband's basketball game. Was a blast! Proud to say my first stop on Dirk's homeland was to watch some pro basketball! Was a fun treat, for sure! They played Holland and beat them, woo hoo! Ashley's husband Chris was the lead scorer, (had to get that little brag in for him!). Was fun to get to sit with the basketball wives of Wurzburg, Germany hehe. After the game we joined the team for dinner. Now, Ashley & Chris are out with the team and I *gasp* stayed in. I know, I know...not like me to deny a night out! But, after my 24 hour journey to get here, my body is begging for a real night's sleep in a real bed.

Looking forward to heading to the shops tomorrow in search of a dirndl for Oktoberfest. Now, to catch some much needed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's! Night y'all!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Next stop: Germany!

I officially have my train tickets to get from Stockholm to Wurzburg, Germany! Woo Hoo!

I am a bit's about a 24 hour journey solo and my first attempt at a train for a long distance. I was just starting to even get comfortable with the idea of taking the trains around one city, much less across countries!

So the plan is this: I leave Stockholm tomorrow morning and head to Copenhagen. It's about a 5 hour train ride. I have a good seat though: sitting in a single seat next to a window in first class. I should get a good view when I cross the bridge in Copenhagen-should make for some pretty pictures! My question: How do I even get up to use the I have to take my bag with me? It's huge. But it has my whole life for the next 2.5 months in it. Hmmmm. Things only I would worry about in advance, I'm sure.

Then, I have about 3 hours to get lost in the Copenhagen train station while I wait for my next ride. I am extremely nervous about finding my train! It seems to be basically like an airport, so I think I will be able to find the track. But, once I get do I know which car to get into??? The train doesn't stop for long, so I have to be ready to go. AHHHH! Nerves!!

So, hoping that I find my next train, I will be on an overnight trip headed to Frankfurt. For this ride, I am in a bunk bed cabin with 5 random roommates for the night. Should be interesting!! I'm hoping somebody I meet will also be getting off at Frankfurt, considering they do not wake you when it is your stop! MORE NERVES!! AHHHH!

So, in the morning when I hop off at Frankfurt, I wait about 20 minutes for my next train, which will take me to Wurzburg. This one is only about 30 minutes long, (2nd stop), so I don't have a specific seat for this ride. Hopefully I at least find *A* seat, because my backpack is already killing me!!!

Which is another in the world am I supposed to pack for 2.5 months in ONE backpack?? I took out everything I possibly could and that sucker is still like 25lbs! I am down to 3 pair of pants, one dress, a handful of shirts, a jacket....wait...I think I need to go take some clothes out now. But, I just hate the idea of wearing the same 2 or 3 outfits over and over and over for....over 2 MONTHS?!? I am not going to be cute on this trip at all!! I guess that wouldn't be so bad if I had friends backpacking with me and we were all in the same boat. But, I will be staying quite a bit with families who will be dressed decently...not like backpacking bums with 2 outfits....we will see how this goes. I have a feeling I will be throwing out most of these clothes along the way. I have already thrown out one hairdryer, 2 pair of shoes, 2 dresses, and 1 shirt. Surprising for me!!

Okay, I am off to continue my panic attack now and try to unpack and pack my bag once again. *Sigh* Feels lonely today. The reality of being alone is setting in and I don't like it!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This just in: I survived! And other breaking stories....

WHEW! I survived the subway solo! Felt like a mini victory in my heart. I'm still terrified of getting used to it and getting was a start. Gotta start somewhere, right?? (If you're lost on this topic, read the mini breakdown one blog post below. I had a severe moment-yikes!)

Tomorrow I head to the central train station to pick up my train ticket to Germany. I am hoping to head to Wurzburg on Saturday morning. Supposed to be a 30+ hour train ride from Stockholm, so should be an adventure! I am so excited to get to meet Ashley, a sweet Kappa that I met using the KKG alum website. Her and her husband live in Germany and I can't wait for the fun to come and to have a friendly face I can relate to!

To backtrack a bit, I'll catch you up on a few days from Bahrain. Well, we finally went to the camel farm. There are 600 camels living there! The King owns the camel farm, and I wish they would put more money into it. Many of the camels are just chained to a post, lying there in the heat. Makes me sad.
We got to see some baby camels and I got to get on a preggo camel! Why they picked an irritated preggo camel, I do not understand! The first time I tried to sit on her, she freaked out and I went running for my life! Naomi & Amanda were dying laughing, and I thought I was going to be traumatized. In my defense-neither of them would get on her, so I am somewhat brave :) I decided to try again, and she let me. Was pretty neat. However, didn't feel very safe because the little guy telling me to get on also said she was nice, (which she was not), and also said camels don't hurt you, (before telling us to stay away because they will kick you & are dangerous). Little bit of safety tips lost in translation there. Overall, camel farm was super fun to go to and pretty much made my day.
 Preggo mamma camel!
Going in for the kiss...scared it was going to spit on me!
We also went to the mosque. This was an AMAZING experience and we learned so much! Our sweet tour guide was so excited to teach us. The Grand Mosque is one of the largest in the area. The entire thing is built with materials from around the world. The pictures don't really do it justice, or maybe it was just the feeling I had that I was actually standing in such a different part of the world that made it so beautiful to me.
We had to get dressed in the abaya and take off our shoes before entering the mosque. Upon leaving, they asked us to wear the abayas to the car so we did not offend those coming in for prayer....(ouch?!). Inside is beautiful as well. Our sweet guide taught us about the Qur'an. It is recited like a song and she sang a sample for us....amazing! Beautiful & moving! Even if you don't agree with the beliefs, you can't deny that much!
The lines along the floor of the inside of the mosque are so everyone stands straight together, shoulder to shoulder, even if it is not crowded. Women pray upstairs and men pray downstairs. Our guide told us that because they bend down to pray, this keeps the men focused on prayer instead of thoughts of women.
There is so much more to tell, but I don't have the time or energy to keep typing tonight! I found my trip to the mosque extremely interesting and loved learning more of the Muslim culture. I think you learn to respect others more when you take the time to learn where they come from and what they are all about. Our sweet guide gave me some amazing books to take home so I could learn more. Amazing experience for sure!

Having a wonderful time learning and experiencing. My journal is already almost full. I can't wait to see what else is in store for me. I'm having my first terrified-out-of-my-mind-but-crazy-overwhelmed-with-excitement feelings since I left the DFW airport. Ahhh!!

PS, may I please have $160 from SOMEONE so I can phone psychic Suzy to make sure I make it out of this journey alive?!?!?



*first* panic attack of the trip? Deserves to be blogged, I suppose.

This may be stupid, but....I think I am having a *minor* panic attack! I am about to attempt to ride the another country. What if I get lost? Mugged? Lost? Lost? LOST???

I've never used public transportation by myself. At home, I take a car everywhere. And on the few occasions that I've used public transport, I've always had people with me. Feels safer that way! You know, if you get lost or anything happens, it's not as bad when you have others to help each other out and figure it out. And I've also always been in an area that I know....and that people speak English. Totally NOT my situation now!

Ahhhhh! Breathe, breathe, breathe. I guess this is what everybody meant when they told me that this trip would show me I am stronger than I ever knew I could be. Sounds silly to compare that to riding on a subway alone, but this is something I have NEVER done and honestly, given the choice, would probably rather not do at all. S-C-A-R-E-D. But I'm going to try. We shall see. After all, it is going to be a LOOOOOOOONG 2.5 more months if I don't actually get used to public transportation.

Alright, wish me luck people! Hopefully I survive to write a blog about how I survived! To be continued, dun dun duuuuuuuuuun....


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Catch up blog for the Mama!

I have SO MUCH catching up to do on this blog!! I've been so busy that it's actually been hard to find the time to keep up. Hopefully this evening I can write a few different ones from the past couple of weeks in Bahrain.

Before I get started on that....let me update you on my whereabouts for now. I just arrived back to Stockholm last night. We left Amanda's place to head for the airport at about 2:30am. Knowing it was our last night, we decided not to sleep and to just hang out instead. It was so nice to see everybody before I headed off to the airport. I met some really amazing people in Bahrain that made me feel so welcome and at home. Was very hard to say goodbye!

My first flight to Instanbul was okay. Was served something questionable for breakfast so skipped out on it. Had a bumpy flight so got only a bit of a nap in here and there. Then I was back at the Instanbul airport. Yuck. I hadn't had enough time between trips here yet to forget how much I disliked it. Once again it was super overcrowded. I thought I had only a 2 hour layover...but that turned into 5 hours. I bought a small bag of chips and a juice.....8, yes 8, US dollars! Ugh! Then I found a lovely spot on the dirty floor and took a quick nap. Like a champ. Finally, by 2pm it was time to go and I was off to Sweden.

The flight to Sweden was horribly horrible. I am convinced every person on that flight except me had a baby with them. I sat next to a lady with a toddler who she passed off an ipad to watch Telly Tubbies....SAME EPISODE....ON REPEAT....NO HEADPHONES. Oh, I was so overtired and annoyed at this point. Ya know, there's many reasons why I have chosen to wait to produce minions so far in life and having peace & quiet when I want it is at the top of that list. Just because you're used to being a mom and listening to torture on repeat doesn't mean you have to share that gift with others. Parents: INVEST IN HEADPHONES. (please). Okay, rant over.

After about a 17 hour journey, lack of sleep or a meal...Ola & Jonas picked me up at the airport. I finally made it to the couch and crashed out for the night. Sleep was SO GOOD.

Ola is out of town for work so today was my first day solo. Went out, no car and no tour guide, and explored. I didn't even get lost, woo hoo! Went shopping for a bit, wandered around, sat outside and did nothing but think, and grabbed a bite to eat. Was very relaxing.

Being alone has never been something I am good at. I've always been surrounded by people. Even trips to the grocery, grabbing food, walking the dog....always had somebody by my side. I have to say, I am getting good at being alone and doing things alone. Quite impressed with myself, actually! Who knew??? Hopefully it stays this entertaining because I've got quite a bit of time left to hang out with the coolest person I'll ever know :)

Quick shout out to my big bro: Happy birthday to my favorite partner in crime since my first day on this planet! He's my Stannaise, my Stana Claus, my cocker Stanniel, my hand stan...a big brother that's had my back from the start. LOVE YOU!!

Be on the lookout for some blogs to come from Bahrain over the next couple days. I've been getting grief from the fam for not writing enough! :)

Friday, September 7, 2012


HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY birthday to my best friend and the best sister I could ever dream of. I wish I was there to celebrate with you, Jennifer. I love you and miss you SOOOOOOOO much!!!! Go to Gloria's to celebrate ;) I hope Randy and the girls spoil you. Thank you for being the best role model, friend, confidante (except that you tell Mom everything!), hilarious, sweet, loving, and motivating person. You mean the world to me and I LOVE YOU!!!

Pinned Image
Little Sis

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hey Mommy, look what I did!

Okay, I have to start with my fav chicken fried song to get this party started. And yes, AMY, this song IS country. (She's been a little confused...the girl thought Steven Tyler was a country artist). Click the link below to enjoy while I tell you about my proud moment last night when Amanda and I successfully pulled off a delish Texan dinner as a thank you!

As anybody that knows me knows.....I HATE to cook! Every time my mom and sister are in the kitchen you can find me hiding somewhere. Thanksgiving and Christmas...I'm watching football with the boys. Any other day, I'm doing anything BUT helping in the kitchen. I just hate everything about it....except eating the finished product. That part I certainly love and am willing to suddenly pop into the kitchen for :) I mean, my older sister is basically Betty Crocker, and I live in a city where I can get anything I dream of made for me quickly. Even the grocery stores are full of deliciously fresh, precooked meals....thank you Market Street!
No joke, when my family dropped me off at college they had to give me a How to Microwave 101 lesson. Apparently you can't put a can of Spaghettios straight in the mic. Who knew?!
That said, I DO secretly have the capability of cooking. Only for very special or desperate occasions do I let this secret be known. I thought a month of taking me in and taking care of me in Bahrain was such an occasion. So, I told Amanda we were cooking a southern meal and she was to be my sou chef. (I think I get bossy when I make up my mind about something. Wonder where I get that....JENNIFER?!?)
We decided on a menu of chicken fried steak, white gravy, green bean bundles, cornbread casserole, peach cobbler, & vanilla ice cream. Due to the lack of finding the same ingredients here in Bahrain, we had no choice but to make everything from scratch. And when I say scratch, I mean we had to get creative.
My heart sank when I realized everywhere in the world does not sell the reliable old Jiffy box. I found a copycat recipe online to make my own Jiffy, but it called for cornmeal and they didn't even have THAT here. So, I found a cornmeal substitute and they didn't even have THOSE options at the grocery here. We ended up mixing flour with couscous to substitute for cornmeal, thank you Internet for that save!
It took about 2.5 hours, and a little bit of me turning into Hell's Kitchen on Amanda, but we got it all done. And I was proud that I got to teach Amanda how to make gravy from scratch using the fat drippings...oh yes...that's the good stuff!
After everyone ate, we had a good time explaining that all in all 4 sticks of butter and a bag of sugar were used. Not to mention frying, fats, and all the other good stuff that those of us that love some country cooking know makes it TO DIE FOR! This just brings back memories of my 5ft tall grandmother making yams and adding stick after stick of butter and a scary amount of brown sugar. It's just how you make stuff good. Little southern cooking secret.
No one had tried any of these dishes before and the verdict was......they LOVED it! It made me so happy since I was a bit nervous with all the substitutions that it may not work out. I knew it was a success when everyone sat down on the couch and was so stuffed they couldn't move. Voila!
So, yes, I cooked. No, I will not cook when I get home. And though I know my mom and my sister are probably jumping up and down at the thought of me helping in the kitchen for Thanksgiving this ain't happenin sistah!
I did learn one thing though: It is fun to show people where you come from. Things you enjoy from home. Share things they have never experienced. However, after dinner we couldn't convince them to complete our Texas evening with the 3:30am opening game of the NFL Season.....COWBOYS vs Giants! Amanda and I went to watch anyway. We may have gotten home at 7am, but it was well worth staying up all night long to watch the Boys start the season with a win! And a win over the Giants nonetheless. WOO HOO!

And just so all you that doubt that I didn't just go buy this stuff and serve it, here's a few pics for evidence. Yeeeeeeeeeah!
Cornbread casserole, chicken fried steak cooking, & starting the gravy from scratch
Green bean bundles ready for sauce & peaches ready to boil with sugar for cobbler
Making Paula Dean proud with a *little* bit of butter to get the cobbler party started!
Cobbler ready to pop into the oven with all it's buttery, sugary, peachy goodness!
And I can't post a picture of the final table setting because my sou chef AMANDA didn't set the table correctly and I know my mother and sister would call me out on that! (See why I had to yell at the sou so much?!) :) Just Kidding, Amanda: We made a great team!
Okay, enough chicken fried talk. Tomorrow I take you to...the mosque! LOVE XOXO! 


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

There's No Place Like Home!

Top 10 Things I'm Missing After 1 Month and 4 Days Away From Home:

10. Dad's BBQ. Ribs and steaks and all the good stuff that nobody makes quite as well as my D-A-D. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Oh, and Dad cooking out at the land...even BETTER. And shooting guns. Actually, I'd love to just spend a day at the land real quick & then come back here!
9. Texas Country and all things associated with it! One of the very best things to do on a summer night is sit outside and listen to live music, have a cold drink, and dance with friends! Ahh, I miss it!
8. My friends.....of course! What I wouldn't give to have some of these experiences with my friends from home. And this summer was full of such good times with my best friends, Kappa sisters, and old friends from school. Amazing people I have back home and I miss them dearly!
 7. Dr. Pepper! And Blue Bell! Better yet, make it a Dr Pepper float. I miss some sweet soda and quality ice cream. Darn. In fact, my niece and I were eating these and swimming in the pool the last night she slept over before I left. Man, I miss the POOL. And my NIECE. Okay, I'm getting off topic...
6. My Ipod and Pandora. I miss, miss, miss good and current music! Somebody email me some music files, por favor!
5. Football. It's that perfect time of year full of tailgating, good food, sweatshirts, and an entire Sunday devoted to the most Texan game you can find. I'm even missing out on Friday Night Lights in Allen's fabulous new stadium :( All these Facebook updates and pictures of football season starting just make me jealous.
4. Tex Mex.....Oh, what I wouldn't give for a ginormous bowl of queso and some spicy tex mex right now! And even though it doesn't *quite* count as "tex mex", I will throw in Taco Bueno on my most missed list. A nice plate full of Mexi Dips & Chips....yes please!!
3. Baseball. I MISS watching the Rangers and being at the games. I miss getting to watch games with my daddy at night! And I just KNOW this will be the year that they go all the way. Dad better Skype me in so I can at least get to see it from afar!
2. MOOSE! My adorably adorable-ultra snugly-follow me everywhere-little puppy!!! Oh, I miss him so, so much. I wish I could get him shipped out to me to keep me company.
1. Last, but nowhere near least, MY FAMILY!!! Ohmyword I can't even put into words how much I miss them. Never in my 27 years have I gone this long without seeing them. We are incredibly close and making it away until Thanksgiving will be a challenge! I tear up when I talk to my sweet nieces and nephew on Skype. I just hate missing out on spending time with them. If only I could freeze their growing up until I get back; going from seeing them ALL THE TIME to never sure hurts my heart! I hate not being able to call my sister 10 times a day just to talk. I hate not getting hugs from Mom and Dad. I even hate not getting to sit on my brother's 4 ton vinyl ball at work and bug him. The day I get off of the airplane back at DFW Airport will surely be like a movie scene full of overwhelmingly happy tears when I get to throw my arms around them. There's nothing in this world like the love of your family.
 Well, I am starting to see that I could go way past just 10 things I miss. Even with all of these amazing adventures and things I'm seeing, the same quote always rings true....there's just no place like home.

Monday, September 3, 2012

"The cool thing about being famous is traveling. I have always wanted to travel across seas, like to Canada and stuff.” – Britney Spears

Brunch. Where to start with brunch. Well, going to "brunch" here is not like brunch at home. At home we have a delicious selection of breakfast foods...everything from omelets to biscuits & gravy to french toast.....mmmm, I'm missing it just thinking about it! Brunch is usually after church-you know, when you just get out of church and you're ready to eat with your family and catch up. Well....brunch here was full of lunch foods and....oh yes....all the (cheap) champagne and vodka you can drink. It's more of a social drinking event than a Sunday after church family time. What?! Of know I was still excited about this!

There is no shortage of drinks at brunch. You can get as many of whatever you'd like. Yummy!

Hazel requested a tray from the bartender so she wouldn't have to get up as much. Genius! ;)
Basically when you go to brunch here, you pay a flat rate, ours was 21bd or about $50 US dollars. Then, you drink the whole 4 hours of brunch and head straight to the bars to make an entire day/night of it. Brunch started at noon and Amanda and I went home "early" at about 1am. (I know Mom & Dad are proud right now.)

The food at brunch was ehhh. Mostly fish and random dishes that I don't really eat. But the Absolut Vodka bar was my friend....later my enemy. I first ordered a Bloody Mary....a breakfast drink, of course. Everyone at the table was completely grossed out by it. I tried to explain it and make them taste it, but they were not havin it. It was pretty delish though.

After brunch we headed over to a pub called JJ's. (I'm sure my mom & sister can guess my name for this place. We are so funny, aren't we? ;) ) JJ's was really fun. We danced and met some new people and had a great time. After awhile it was time to move on so we headed next to Dublins Irish Pub. At Dublins, the ladies get to drink for free. Which is good if you like absolutely disgusting drinks. We relived some college days here with a little game of Flip Cup. It was good times.


And then, after about 13 hours of having a grand old time, we decided it was *maybe* time to go to home. So of course Amanda and I went to our favorite shawarma boy for a bite....or a buffet....of 1am sharawmas. Which was a disgusting scene on the kitchen table the next day.

All in all the brunch was a fabulously fabulous time. I definitely had fun with lots of new people that I met. It also made me miss all of my friends back home. Something like this would REALLY be amazing fun with my closest friends in Tejas. *sigh* I'm not homesick yet, but I do have quite the list starting of things I miss the most. It's been 1 month and 3 days since I last saw Texas, my family, & my Moose!! I can't believe it! Time is flying on this trip and I am not looking forward to leaving Amanda in just one week.

Time to motivate myself to get out of bed and enjoy the day now....hoot!