Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Too Much Touring to Blog It All!

Well...today was another super busy, but amazing day!

We started out taking the subway to the central station where we waited for Ola's friend, Fredrik to join us. Then we did a little bit of shopping and headed off to be tourists for the day! First we ate lunch at a beautiful little spot. Next, we hopped on a boat for an Under the Bridge tour of Stockholm. Gorgeous and fun to hear about the city!
After the boat tour, we went to Junibacken...home of Pippi Longstocking and other Swedish fairy tales! It was actually a really neat visit! My neices would have LOVED all of the fun fairy tale land there was to check out. After you check everything out, you sit in a little house. It is set up almost like a roller coaster but takes you through all of the fairy tales. Very neat! Below is one of the fairy tale houses you can go inside...very cute!
After Junibacken, we headed over to a pretty little place called Josefinas for a yummy drink break! The picture is below. Can you say....GORGEOUS views EVERYWHERE?!?!

Next on our busy day, we headed to the photography museum. They had a really neat collection of ePic Olympic moments. The next collection was pretty creepy...photographs of dead people. Like, dead dead people?!?! EW! But, overall it was a neat museum to stop by.

Then...we still weren't done! We took the subway over the the Sky Globe. This thing was pretty awesome! You get in a giant globe and it goes all the way up the side of a building so you can see a view of all over Stockholm. Loved it! Too bad it was rainy, but it was still a fantastic view!

Whew! Finally it was 9pm and dinner time was at a "burger" joint in the subway. Ehh...I don't believe we were eating beef, but Ola insists. Kinda looked like....anything except beef??

Another long day has come and gone. Having a great time, of course. Looking forward to heading to the Zoo tomorrow!!

Love & miss you all...!


  1. Wow! What a wonderful host you have...thanks for taking good care of my sister, Ola! Looking forward to more pics :) Miss you bunches!! XOXO

  2. He's been a great host! SO much more to see and do here than I imagined! Miss you tons!! :)))
