Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Big Fat Gypsy Mugging

Let me start my Italy story tonight with my excitement of the day.....the map mugger....dun dun duuuuuuuuuun!

I was sitting on some steps minding my own business, trying to figure out where in the world I was, (Venice is a maze, I swear!)....when all of the sudden a gypsy pops up in my face. She pointed at my map, then at her. I said no and waved her away. Next thing I know, she grabs my map out of my hands and runs off. Oh no she didn't!

I, (stupid maybe?), ran behind her, snatched it back, then awkwardly walked-no jogged-no semi sprinted- away from her. It was just a map-though she probably was really reaching for my purse-but I got so mad! Now that I think about it, chasing after a thief is probably not the brightest idea. I also checked my purse and pockets afterwards because gypsies are very good at distracting you while they-or their partner-steals from you. Crazy!

But, I survived my map mugging and live to see another day. Another day of Italy. YES! So far this week I have been to Vecinza, Verona and Venice. Tomorrow I break the "V" tradition and head to Florence. I have been having an AMAZING time wandering around the cities. Even alone it is wonderful. For the first time in my life I have LOVED getting lost. I have learned that is when you find the best stops! Plus, if you just relax and "let go", you really find yourself lost in the city and the moment. Love!

There is so much to see, so much history, and I like having the freedom to do what I want when I want. (Change number two...I have really learned to enjoy doing things ALONE! Hooray!) If I want to spend 2 hours in a museum I can. If I want to sit in the park and read my book I can. If I want to have a healthy daily diet of gelato  and pizza I can. And...if I want to wander Venice lost for multiple hours and chase down gypsies....I can. It's been a great experience!

Italy is absolutely beautiful. I really need to spend more time with my blog but at the end of the day I am exhausted!! Some of my favorite things so far have been Juliette's balcony in Verona, the gondolas and amazing views of Venice, the pizza with spicy salami and sausage, the arena in Verona, the buildings and statues and bridges....oh wait, I was just going to list some "favorites". I don't think I can narrow it down actually. I could go on and on!

I am off to have sweet dreams of Italian food and scenery. My train ride to Florence tomorrow is a couple hours so I have to head out early in the morning to make the most of my day. And Mom, Venice is on my list of places we need to vacation together. There is SO MUCH to see that I couldn't possibly fit it into a simple day trip!! More pictures and stories to come as soon as I can stay awake for more than an hour after I get home :D


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